Satellite Phone (GMPCS-Global Mobile Personal Communications by Satellite) is a terminal device act like a normal mobile. Satellite phones connect to satellites orbiting around the earth. Satellite phones rely on a network of satellites that are either fixed above the Equator (Geostationary) or in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) anywhere from 500 to 1,000 miles above the earth. Satellite phones are rarely affected by violent storms and depending upon their system architecture they can work virtually anywhere in the world. The satellite phone is the best mode of communication where no cellular coverage exists. The most popular Satellite phones are from Thuraya, iridium, and Inmarsat (IsatPhone, IsatPhone Pro and IsatPhone 2).
In the last few years, there has been tremendous growth in the satellite phone market. Since the service provided by satellite phones are good and can be used anywhere at any point in time. This makes satellite phones a favorite mode of communication for terrorists, criminal to contact their counterparts.
Shoghi Communication has developed various systems to enable the defense and law enforcement organization to intercept the Satellite Phones which are working on Thuraya, Inmarsat, and Iridium.